Florida State Legislative Activity 2000 Session
House Bill 363 in the Florida Legislature is a ban on the import or manufacture of virtually ALL handguns currently being manufactured in the US using the premise of "safety".  It defines "unsafe" handguns as any of those:  that go off in any of 8 drop tests; with less than a 10 pound trigger pull; and handguns without "smart gun" technology, or as I call them "Phantom Firearms", since they don't exist.  It requires trigger locks on all guns in homes with children.  It also bans so-called "assault weapons" by name, model and series, without even the premise of "safety', and some shotguns. Strangely enough (or not so) it's called the "Children's Firearm Responsibility Act of 2000".  It amends s. 790.001 F.S.  The only changes having to do with children is a couple of lines making harsher punishments violations of laws that are not enforced now, making the giving of non-phantom firearms (read existing firearms) to children against the law, and funding for a state sponsored re-education programs for children through the schools and juvenile justice system.  Check it out yourself here.

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